
FOWS 2021 Q&A – Growing shiitake mushrooms on logs

Growing shiitake mushrooms on logs   Mushroom supply companies: https://2funguys.com/ https://fungi.com/ https://www.fieldforest.net/ Some photos of Kevin’s mushrooms and logs:[image img_src="https://wpcdn.web.wsu.edu/cahnrs/uploads/sites/10/2021/03/IMG_1432-scaled.jpg" img_id="9127" alt="A pile of freshly plugged mushroom growing logs" ][image img_src="https://wpcdn.web.wsu.edu/cahnrs/uploads/sites/10/2021/03/IMG_4826-scaled.jpg" img_id="9126" alt="Close up of…

FOWS 2021 Q&A – Wildlife and Habitat

Wildlife and Habitat Answers From Ken Bevis, WA DNR Q). What would you plant stream side in eastern washington post flood to create habitat and bank protection? Coyote willow, red osier dogwood, cottonwood. Look at…

FOWS 2021 Q&A – Working with consulting foresters

Working with consulting foresters   Answers from: Jeff DeBell, CF, Cascade Woodland Design, Inc. jeff.debell@cwd-forestry.com. Mobile  360-791-6106. Dennis Parent, CF, Assoc. Consulting Foresters. DRPforestry, LLC. Mobile 208-755-6687.  www.DRPforestry.com Brian J. Vrablick, CF, Assoc. Consulting Foresters, American…

FOWS 2021 Q&A – Panel — Current timber markets

Panel — Current timber markets   Answers from: Tom Westergreen, WA Tree Farm Program, Forester.  cell  360-961-0312; tomwestergreen@gmail.com. Chris Magruder, Boise Cascade, Log Buyer. 1274 S. Boise Rd., Kettle Falls, WA 99141. O: 509-738-3269; C:…

FOWS 2021 Q&A – Forest health in Western Washington

Forest health in Western Washington Q&A   Additional Resources from Rachel Brooks Annual Forest Health Highlights Report (yearly updates) Aerial Surveys Field Guide to the Common Diseases and Insect Pests of Oregon and Washington Conifers…