Puget Sound Forests and Climate Change Landowner Symposium – November 2, 2024 in Renton

Maintaining healthy, resilient forests in a changing climate is a major challenge that property owners face. The Puget Sound area has seen extensive die-offs of mature trees, especially western redcedar, due to heat and drought stress. New tree plantings struggle to survive through their first summer. Secondary insect pests are increasing due to climate stress.

At this educations symposium for landowners, you will learn from a panel of experts about what is happening, what to expect in the future in the Puget Sound Region, and practical steps you can take to improve the health and resilience of your forest.

The registration fee is $20 per person or $30 per household. Pre-registration is required. Puget Sound Forests and Climate Change Symposium Details and Registration

This event is made possible by funding from King Conservation District.