Forestry Consultants

Summitt Forests, Inc

Summitt Forests, Inc has been operating as a forestry company throughout the western US for over 30 years. Our projects involve forest health improvements such as: fuels reduction, piling, chipping, thinning, tree planting, mastication, small tree removal, slash piling, pruning, herbicide and pesticide applications along with many other types of projects.

Scholl Fire & Fuels Management, Inc

Scholl Fire & Fuels Management, Inc provides crews, engines, falling modules, and support equipment to federal, state and local agencies for forestry services, prescribed fire, fire suppression, hazard tree removal, thinning, and support for all-hazard incidents.

SA Newman Firm

Established in 1946, the SA Newman Firm specializes in the appraisal of timber and forest land, timber cruising, forest practices permitting and consulting, forest management plans, and timber marketing services. Appraisals by WA state-General certified and MAI-designated appraisers and certified arborists.

Richard A Grotefendt

Grotenfendt specializes in forest management and timber cruising for small forest landowners. He also provides forest inventory and assessment of riparian stands for state, federal, industrial, native, and private landowners. He collects and utilizes aerial photography for forest management and research and uses geographic information systems (GIS) for mapping.

Resource Renewal, Inc

Reforestation – provide & plant trees; timber stand improvement – pre-commercial thin; site prep – mowing, spraying, pruning; seedling release – brush control; weed control – all invasive species

Rain Shadow Consulting

Rain Shadow provides all manner of forestry consulting and light forest management contracting.

Professional Forestry Services, Inc

Provide forest management services for public and private forest land owners. Includes forestry inventory, appraisal of merch timber, timber sale layout, timber cruise for sale of timber or land and timber. Determination of damages in trespass cases. Prepare forest management plans and provide advice to foundations and trusts in the management of their forest resources.

Payne Reforestation, Inc

We plant trees, thin trees, burn slash, back pack and roadside spraying, noxious weed spraying, miscellaneous forestry.

Pacific Forest Management, Inc

We are a full service forestry consulting firm, serving all of Western Washington and NW Oregon. We specialize in forest management plans, harvest permitting, log marketing, silviculture projects, RMAP planning, stream crossings and designs.