Women Owning Woodlands – Wildflower Walk

May 18, 2024

1:00 – 3:30 PM

Toledo, WA

Join us for a springtime wildflower walk at Cowlitz Ridge Tree Farm near Toledo WA! This gorgeous Tree Farm is co-owned and managed by WOW leaders Ann Stinson and Lou Jean Clark.

Cowlitz Ridge Tree Farm landowners (and hosts!) Ann Stinson and Lou Jean Clark

Cowlitz Ridge Tree Farm has trees ages one to 125. Historically this land has grown Douglas fir and western red cedar along with some alder and big leaf maple.  Because of longer, hotter, drier summers, Ann and Lou Jean been experimenting with planting incense cedar, port orford cedar, western white pine, and ponderosa pine.  We hope that lupine will be blooming during the tour along with American Yellow Rocket, Redwood Violets, Pacific Sanicle, and Twisted Stalk. Perhaps we’ll even discover something new!


Register here!

Only a few spots left!

We welcome anyone to participate regardless of gender. Directions to the site will be sent to participants upon registration.