FOWS 2021 Q&A – Forest health in Western Washington

Forest health in Western Washington Q&A   Additional Resources from Rachel Brooks Annual Forest Health Highlights Report (yearly updates) Aerial Surveys Field Guide to the Common Diseases and Insect Pests of Oregon and Washington Conifers…

Forest Farming: Log-Grown Mushroom Webinar

View the recording of this webinar on Youtube Click here to download a PDF of the presentation slides Interested in Learning How to Grow Specialty Mushrooms? Forest farming specialty mushrooms like shiitake, lions mane, oysters, and wine…

shiitake mushroom growing on log

Forest Health Webinar – November 14th

Forest Stewardship Webinars Give us 50 minutes, we’ll teach you something We offer periodic live webinars on various forest stewardship topics. The webinars are free, but space is limited and pre-registration is required. Below are…